This demo was created to give you a quick introduction on how to implement most common use cases with the UMH stack. If you have questions on how to adapt the provided templates to your specific application, feel free to join our Discord channel:
Setup an UMH instance on
Grant the Grafana pod writing rights to the database to enable manual changes of the machine states
sudo $(which kubectl) exec -it $(sudo $(which kubectl) get pods --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml -n united-manufacturing-hub -l -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml -n united-manufacturing-hub -- psql -U postgres
\\c umh_v2
GRANT UPDATE ON state TO grafanareader;
GRANT INSERT ON tag_string TO grafanareader;
Access NodeRed over <YOUR-IP>:1880/nodered or directly over the “Applications” tab in the Management Console
Import the JSON code in NodeRed
JSON code toggle
Add a new connection to the local MQTT Broker in the Management Console
Add a dataflow and select MQTT as a template
Exchange the template topics in the “Input (YAML)” field with the following ones. Do not change the “urls” and “client_id” as these are autogenerated.
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicron/work_order_create
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicron/work_order_start
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicron/work_order_stop
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicron/product_type_create
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicron/state
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicron/count
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicron/bad_count
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicron/power
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicorn/oven/power
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicorn/oven/state
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicron/conveyor/power
- umh/raw/cologne/ehrenfeld/unicron/conveyor/state